条漫[책방구] 핑계대지 말고 해보기나 하세요! : 책방구 외주작업 입니다. [1日1行의 기적] 소개 포스트입니다. 책방구 포스트https://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=18463773&memberNo=43521146 # 위 일러스트는 책방구의 콘텐츠 입니다. 저작권이 있는 이미지이므로 상업적 사용이 불가합니다.
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文创产品Let's talk cha : LINE STICKERS : I'm talking to myself in two different personas now.
拼贴/趣味/描边/平面插画LOVE YOU DER VOL.2 (LINE STICKER) : In the morning I can't eat, I'm thinking of you. In the evening I can't eat, I'm thinking of you. In the night I can't sleep.. I'm so hungry!
小部件LOVE YOU DER VOL.2 (LINE STICKER) : In the morning I can't eat, I'm thinking of you. In the evening I can't eat, I'm thinking of you. In the night I can't sleep.. I'm so hungry!